"SuperHERo Tales: A Collection of Female Superhero Stories," which has been available in kindle format for a little while now, is now available in print, just in time for holiday gift-giving! The really fun part about this is that you can buy the original anthology for a low price or pay a little bit more and get the Expanded Edition which includes three additional illustrations at the end of the book of three of the superheroines who are featured in the stories.
All of the proceeds from the books will go to Because I am a Girl, which helps girls in third world countries.
About the charity:
"Because she is a girl, she’s more likely to suffer from malnutrition, be forced into an early marriage, be subjected to violence, be sold into the sex trade, or become infected with HIV. Because she is a girl, she faces discrimination in her own home. Because she is a girl, she’ll have limited access to a doctor or even a primary education (if she’s able to go to school at all). But we’re here to change all that. Because being a girl should always be a positive, empowering experience."From the blurb about the book:
"Girls are under-represented when it comes to superhero movies, toys and other merchandise. This wonderful group of authors decided to do something about it. Within these pages, you will find stories of female superheroes to enchant and delight. You will read all about their powers and their masked identities and then get to read a short story that gives you insight into who they are or who they will become. You’ll find action, adventure, magic and betrayal. You’ll find everyday female heroes, as well as super-powered heroines and devious villains. From friendly encounters to government conspiracies, 27 new superheroes, all FEMALE superheroes, can be found represented in these stories, written by 24 talented authors."There are some amazing stories in this anthology, written by some very talented authors. Some of the stories are more suitable for children than others, and some of them are a little on the gory side, but there is no bad language or sex, so I would rate this collection as PG.
Prices are low. What little is made from the books goes to the charity, but the prices will remain low as the goal is to get this book into as many hands as possible and spread the word that girls make awesome superheroes!
In the US:
Expanded Edition (print)
In the UK:
Expanded Edition
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