Here is Phyllis sitting on the Blacksmith's Stone with all seven of my children and my son-in-law.

Here is Phyllis sitting on the same stone with my youngest son Cameron.

Phyllis traipsed with us past Silbury Hill. No one knows why this man-made hill was created.

She was very interested in the pagan tree we came across while we hiked around Avebury.

Did I mention that there were sheep?

Here is Phyllis sitting on a large stone all by herself.

Phyllis refused to sit on the Devil's Stone with the rest of the family. (According to Susanna, Phyllis might have been scared it would recognize her! ;) )

The weather was beautiful and sunny with medium humidity, and it was about 18 degrees, so nice and warm. There was a slight breeze as well.
Phyllis bought a post card in The Henge, a souvenir store close to the stone circles.

On Phyllis' last day in Wiltshire, she spent some time enjoying the daffodils in Swindon.

Phyllis' next stop will be to see Birmingham! By the end of her journey, she is going to be so well-traveled!
Firstly what an adorable, lovely family!! I bet Phyllis felt so at home and fitted in well... hopefully she isn't missing all her groundhog family too much with all this traveling.
I LOVE the shot with Cameron and Phyllis. Priceless!
This beautiful British countryside made me a little homesick!
What a fun trip for this wee groundhog. Thanks for sharing!
Hey There! What a wonderful post. We visited Avebury last year and your piece and lovely pics brought back great memories. What an enchanting family you have, too! Thanks for sharing:)
Enamored of Cameron particularly - he seems to be wearing his sneakers on opposite feet just as my little girl always insisted upon doing!
Loved seeing those lovely rolling green spring scenes!
What a lovely family you have, Rebecca, and how nice you all were to give Phyllis such a lovely time in Swindon and Avebury! I'm sure she was quite awed by those standing stones. And how did you know she loves sheep? Her best friend is Woolliam (one of the MCs in Can't Sleep Without Sheep) so I'm sure she felt quite at home :) Also, we are very fond of daffodils which figure heavily in No Sword Fighting In The House so you touched all the bases :) Can't wait to see the kids' reviews and drawings, and I will keep a sharp eye on my mailbox :) Thank you so very much for having Phyllis and joining in on the tour fun!!!
I went to Stonehenge years ago, but had no idea about the "henge" at Avebury. What a cool place to visit.
I enjoyed this post so much -- I hadn't been aware of the Henge at Avebury, either. I am learning so many things as Phyllis makes her World Tour!
Thanks so much, and thanks to your lovely family, as well.
Beautiful photos! Your little Cameron is soooo cute!
cool i didn't know about Avenbury. love the pics.
Wonderful photos! I didn't know about Avenbury, it must have been fun to climb all over those rocks. Your son looks adorable holding Phyllis's book!
Beautiful family! I think Phyll is having a ton of fun on her world tour. Loved your post. I have a son named Cameron too. :-) Bravo!
Lucky Phyllis! Looks like you all had a lot of fun.
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